Thursday, November 20, 2008


wow, two blogs in one day!!!!!!! i really am trying to keep up with this, but there never seem to be enough hours in a day to sit down and try to come up with something to post! today i shall be posting some old pics again, but first maybe i should try to update everyone on stuff going on in our little corner of the world!

first i have to say thank you to jennifer and david for my cute little header on the top of my blog! i LOVE it. the only thing i asked for it to have was a chiefs anchor and i got it!!!!!!! thanks guys it looks awesome!

most everyone that would be reading this knows that my back is hurt. hurt bad. i have two bulging disks and some disc degeneration in two other disc spaces. kinda freaks me out. i have been going to the Dr so much lately. i am finally done with physical therapy though so that is nice. i have started going to the pain clinic. i am awaiting a steroid epidural injection that will hopefully help. most recently i was put on a medication for epilepsy. i do not have epilepsy so i was a little concerned. it seems to be helping with the pain though so i will keep on taking it.

kayleigh will be making a trip to the ENT Dr in December. her tonsils are so huge that she has started a new trick. this new trick is that she stops breathing when she is sleeping. this is scaring the daylights out of me and i check on her several times at night to make sure she isn't dead. i cant wait to get her in there so they can take the tonsils out and make her better.

joey is good. not much to update about him. he has two new loose teeth. the two front ones. i told him maybe they will fall out before Christmas so he can sing the two front teeth song. they also informed me at the dentist yesterday that he is a little bit tongue tied. if you know joey, you know it hasn't slowed down his talking much at all so i am not worried about that at all!

ken is good. works works and does a little bit more working. well, maybe i take that back. he goes to work. i don't know how much work he actually does at either job, but hey, they are paying him so i do not care how much work he does.

i guess i will get to the pictures for today!!!!!!!!! hope you enjoy them! last weeks pic of joey was my favorite one of him ever, but this is a close second! and i added a picture of little catherine since my previous post was something jennifer made me do and she has posted several pics of my kiddos on her blog! this is the only one i have of her kids!


Jennifer Chasse said...

Love that picture of Joey! I like that Catherine picture too.

I am glad you like your design. David agonized over it. That was actually the second one he did. He was so afraid you wouldn't like it.

I hope they take care of Kayleigh soon. That is so scary.

Feel better yourself too.

Carolynn said...

Catherine looks cute in that picture. Too bad she isn't cute anymore.