Saturday, November 22, 2008


The following is a little TAG that allows your Bloggy neighbors to get to know a little information about the town or city you live in. State the name and then Post 10 facts or observations about the town you call home.
1. Kenosha/Pleasant Prairie is about half way between Chicago and Milwaukee
2. We have a wonderful outlet mall here that grew by leaps and bounds while we were in VA
3. the Jelly Belly factory calls Kenosha home
4. it is really stinking cold here in the winter
5. There is a snowmobile trail right outside my apartment, ken thinks this is amazing and wishes he had a snowmobile
6. i can see the kids school from my balcony
7. two of the three hospitals in town are less than five minutes from my house damn near across the street from each other
.8. they just built a brand new target in town, also less than five mins from my house!!!!!
9. there is a pretty amazing mommy group for my area. started by moi!!!!
10. there is a chrystler plant of some sort here.......wonder how long it will stay open.....


Arlene said...

I have been to Kenosha and it was "stinking" cold there. Did you know Kenosha had a team in the all american womens baseball league? As did Racine which is close to you too.

Donna said...

Ok,I have left you comments and you have left me none....HMMMMMMM....

Jennifer Chasse said...

Yeah Heather... get on the comment to Donna. You been leaving me comments for years. I can't get rid of you. :)

Also, my mom is right about the ball teams. She looked up all kinds of Kenosha history when we first moved there and she came to visit.

Rebecca said...

Never done the Wisconsin thang, though I used to have a thing for Brett Favre **giggle**