Tuesday, December 9, 2008

#8...i think

i am totally not doing as good at this as i had hoped. maybe after the holidays it will be a little easier for me. ken and i were talking tonight and it really made me start thinking. i was not happy in virginia. most everyone that knows me knows this. i joined a mommy group there in the hopes of meeting friends. ok that is a lie. i joined the group because a friend made me join with her LOL but then i thought ok, what the hey. maybe i can meet some great friends. i actually thought i had. then tonight ken says to me, when is the last time that any of them contacted you or made any effort at all to stay in touch with you. he is absolufreakinglutley right!!!!!!!! yeah there are a few people from there that do seem to kinda make an effort. there were a couple of people that i made "friends" with that i thought were really close friends and we would be friends for life. yeah i dont know the last time i heard from either one of them, even when i try to make the effort and contact them. i used to try sending texts and stuff to keep in touch, but it didnt seem to work. heck, when i got my new phone on sunday i didnt even put their numbers into it. i figure i am not even going to bother wasting my time anymore. i am past even caring. i guess maybe i am writing this as my own little piece of closure. i am not going to let it bother me. i will move on and not look back. sianara LOL

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving! jennifer gave me a blog prize earlier today, but i hav to figure out how to do it. maybe i will get to that tomorrow while my turkey cooks. did i mention that this is the first turkey i have cooked on my own????? i double checked with ken that our renters insurance is all up to date!

today is a toofer picture day. you get both kids in one picture. surprisingly they both look somewhat happy in this picture. i think this was one of the first honest to goodness smiles from kayleigh. i cant believe how small they were. it makes me sad!!!!!!!! did i tell you that we got kayleighs first report card yesterday?!!??!?! yeah, that is not cool.....

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The following is a little TAG that allows your Bloggy neighbors to get to know a little information about the town or city you live in. State the name and then Post 10 facts or observations about the town you call home.
1. Kenosha/Pleasant Prairie is about half way between Chicago and Milwaukee
2. We have a wonderful outlet mall here that grew by leaps and bounds while we were in VA
3. the Jelly Belly factory calls Kenosha home
4. it is really stinking cold here in the winter
5. There is a snowmobile trail right outside my apartment, ken thinks this is amazing and wishes he had a snowmobile
6. i can see the kids school from my balcony
7. two of the three hospitals in town are less than five minutes from my house damn near across the street from each other
.8. they just built a brand new target in town, also less than five mins from my house!!!!!
9. there is a pretty amazing mommy group for my area. www.sewisconsinmommies.com started by moi!!!!
10. there is a chrystler plant of some sort here.......wonder how long it will stay open.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008


wow, two blogs in one day!!!!!!! i really am trying to keep up with this, but there never seem to be enough hours in a day to sit down and try to come up with something to post! today i shall be posting some old pics again, but first maybe i should try to update everyone on stuff going on in our little corner of the world!

first i have to say thank you to jennifer and david for my cute little header on the top of my blog! i LOVE it. the only thing i asked for it to have was a chiefs anchor and i got it!!!!!!! thanks guys it looks awesome!

most everyone that would be reading this knows that my back is hurt. hurt bad. i have two bulging disks and some disc degeneration in two other disc spaces. kinda freaks me out. i have been going to the Dr so much lately. i am finally done with physical therapy though so that is nice. i have started going to the pain clinic. i am awaiting a steroid epidural injection that will hopefully help. most recently i was put on a medication for epilepsy. i do not have epilepsy so i was a little concerned. it seems to be helping with the pain though so i will keep on taking it.

kayleigh will be making a trip to the ENT Dr in December. her tonsils are so huge that she has started a new trick. this new trick is that she stops breathing when she is sleeping. this is scaring the daylights out of me and i check on her several times at night to make sure she isn't dead. i cant wait to get her in there so they can take the tonsils out and make her better.

joey is good. not much to update about him. he has two new loose teeth. the two front ones. i told him maybe they will fall out before Christmas so he can sing the two front teeth song. they also informed me at the dentist yesterday that he is a little bit tongue tied. if you know joey, you know it hasn't slowed down his talking much at all so i am not worried about that at all!

ken is good. works works and does a little bit more working. well, maybe i take that back. he goes to work. i don't know how much work he actually does at either job, but hey, they are paying him so i do not care how much work he does.

i guess i will get to the pictures for today!!!!!!!!! hope you enjoy them! last weeks pic of joey was my favorite one of him ever, but this is a close second! and i added a picture of little catherine since my previous post was something jennifer made me do and she has posted several pics of my kiddos on her blog! this is the only one i have of her kids!


so jennifer "tagged" me on her meme thing. you are supposed to write about your ten commenters or something like that. well i do not have ten commenters LOL i only have like three or four, but i will try it anyway!

Jennifer tropicalfruitbowl.blogspot.com/
Pam ttthicks.blogspot.com/

1: What is your favorite post from number 3’s blog?well jen doesnt have a blog, but lately on the phone she has been telling me about all the mice that are filling her house!
2. Has number 10 taken any pictures that have moved you?since i do not have a number ten, i will just answer this in general. jennifer has been posting old pics of the girls and it makes me remember all the good times we had when she still lived in WI and makes me sad that she doesnt live here anymore. Pam posted pics of Christophers trip to the ER and it made me sad cause that poor sweet boy got hurt, but he was such a trooper!
3. Does number 6 reply to comments on their blog?i dont have a number six! Jennifer responds to lots of her comments!!!!
4. Which part of blogland is number 2 from?no blogland for pam i dont think.
5. If you could give one piece of advice to number 7 what would it be?no #7 here either. my best advice for any of my commenters would go to jen, but a mousetrap!
6. Have you ever tried something from number 9’s blog?never tried anything from anyones blog ever.
7. Has number 1 blogged something that inspired you?yes, she has inspired me to try and get out and volunteer more!
8. How often do you comment on number 4’s blog?never, i just realized she had a blog!
9. Do you wait for number 8 to post excitedly?dont have one of these either, but i do look forward to jennifers posts. especially now that she is posting old pics, sometimes there are pics of my kiddos in there!
10. How did number 5’s blog change your life?no ones blog has changed my life yet
11. Do you know any of the 10 bloggers in person?i know all of them. donna is my sister, jennifer i have apparently known for a half a million years. jen is my best friend and pam is my friend in VA
12. Do any of your 10 bloggers know each other in person?i think jen may have met my sister
13. Out of the 10, which updates more frequently?jennifer
14. Which of the 10 keep you laughing?jen, but she has no blog.
15. Which of the 10 has made you cry (good or bad tears)?jennifer, my heart hurts for her and i wish there was something i could do to help her out through her rough patch right now!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


so the other day i was looking for a picture of something on my computer and came across all of our really old pics of the kids. so i thought i would start once a week or so posting an old pic of the kids from when they were really small! hope you enjoy!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


so maybe i should post some pics! hopefully i can keep this updated enough and post new pics often!!!!! this is our little family. it is not a new picture, but i am married to a sailor and we cannot expect to much out of him when it comes to family pictures. he is not very fond of the camera!

that up there in the pink is our princess kayleigh. if you look close, you can see that her coat even says she is a princess.

and this here is my apparently odd little boy joey. please do not ask why he is wearing fangs, because quite frankly, i do not know the answer to that question!!!!!!

and this is why i am now MRS MMC. a year ago the Navy finally decided to reward ken for all of his hard work and commitment by selecting him for Chief Petty Officer. we are just as proud of him today, one year later, as we were on the day we pinned on his anchors!
i hope you enjoyed a quick glance into our life. i have an idea that will mean sharing more pictures with you on a regular basis, we will see how well i stick to it!!!!!!!!


So i thought maybe I could join the masses and create a blog. I figure it can help our friends and family keep up on what is going on with our family!!!!!!! i was told that i have to credit my friend jen for the title of my blog. i couldnt come up with a catchy title so i asked my friends and jen picked a good catchy one. maybe she will get a prize. i will have to come up with a prize for her!